Saturday, 20 March 2010

Me in 2015 - a part of the thought

Today is kind of an holiday, not because its a saturday. Oh, forgot to mention, thanks to some kind soul in the HR department of my bank, we are bestowed with two days off in a week. The effort was to rescue the bank's facilities from the Saturday vandalism, we used to execute inside, during the years of recession. Later, even without their knowlegde, it became one of flag features of the HR team.I felt more like a holiday, because it was a saturday in the month of March and post-appraisal period. This is kind of an honey moon period, where bankers get to see the smiling faces of their dear ones, as otherwise what we normally see is their sleeping posture.Reading through the blogs, I had scribbled in my funnier years, found one where I had imagined myself as farmer and that too a content one. Appreciation was in truck loads for the same and even I catered to this dream of mine for long. Soon or later, reality came down on me heavily, crippling my dreams. Or rather, it was like diverting the flow of a stream. The dreams varied widely in the last 5 years, and now I don't have time to dream.Forget the dream, even in my night mares, I wouldn't have imagined myself with the same bank, in the same city, heading a region of the same department, 5 years from the day of writing that blog. :).. but that's what is called fate, and also succumbing to fate.My dislike for banking was phenomenal and highly publicized, but still I have survived the same for a good 9 years without suicide. In fact, I would credit half my achievements to the socially high profile job, held by me. My life partner, my own flat, my bank balance, my car, my reputation / contacts in and around the three states of south India, all are thanks to the job, which makes life hell for me everyday.My state of absolute peace was disturbed as my Dentist wife, entered the room, with my vibrating phone. I could still see the bite marks in her hand. Hey that was not me, but thanks to some kid, who broke through the mouth-clamp to make those impressions in her hand. In younger days, my grand ma used to get me to doctor for teeth dentures, but her knowledge has been outrun by the professional qualification received by my beloved.The saddest part of having a medical wife, or rather wife in pharma industry is apart from you, she has to take care of 1000s more. And those are sicker which calls for better attention. Anyways, 4 years into the marriage, I am already bored with her company, and I believe she reciprocates the same.Call was from Roopa, who has recently joined my bandwagon of buffoons, called the Relationship managers. A positive of being a banker is we are always aware of who is having most money in the market and whose cheques are going to bounce :).The call was short, as she is scared of the fiery VP in me. Nothing is an issue, when you have hands in the right pockets :). With my old colleague, heading the credit division, I raised the levels of appreciation Roopa had for me, for the ease at which I sorted out the “complicated” problem.By the time the series of calls ended, my wife had drove my beloved Toureg to clinic, abandoning her Grand Vitara with me. My friends say, my house hosts enough SUVs to take the Indian army to war on Srilanka. But why would we war with a Tamil Government run Srilanka?The next call was for Sid and Mans. Both used to share my room, during my good old bachelor days, and are now taking their own strides in life. Mans as usual keeps himself busy with his financial advisory and with his multiple entrepreneurial ventures and Sid is the marketing head of an MNC company.Looks like the saturday would be a very personal one, and a strong swim in the sea would make it bright.